October 2018
May 2019
Software Design
Tech Strategy

As Mobivity worked through the process of acquiring the Belly loyalty platform, including all current customers, all deployed devices, and all end-users of the system, they recognized that it would take time for their team to become efficient and effective in operating this platform. As the member of the Hatch team with the greatest breadth of technical knowledge and expertise about the Belly platform, I was engaged by Mobivity to provide hands-on assistance to their team as they worked to maintain operation continuity of the platform through this acquisition and as they began to integrate this platform directly into their own technology stack.

I assisted both the Mobivity and Hatch teams throughout the acquisition process, answering questions drafting and/or collecting documentation about the system, and advising both teams about technical matters relation to the migration of this system between organizations (e.g. how to migrate the system from one AWS account to another, external dependencies and related credentials that would need to be handed off, etc).

As the Mobivity team took control of the platform, I remained directly involved in it's day-to-day operation, reviewing health metrics and alerts, reviewing proposed code changes, etc, taking each opportunity to train their internal team members to perform these actions independently. Gradually, I worked myself out of a job as their internal staff became increasingly proficient in operating the platform, which was always the intended outcome.